Chris and I have been together for 12 years with 4 of the years being married. November 5th is when we welcomed our first born, Landon Alan, into the world.
I can remember being so excited to get that positive sign back in February and thinking how far away October 31 was. With Halloween as my due date, I was so excited yet nervous. My pregnancy was a dream pregnancy. My only symptom seemed to be fatigue during the 1st trimester and minor cramping during the 3rd trimester.
I worked up until November 1st as a middle school teacher and was still walking my dog the day before Landon made his way into this world. Since I was having no symptoms of going into labor, I was scheduled to be induced on the morning of November 5th.
November 5th held a special place in my heart. Ten years ago on that day, I said goodbye to one of my favorite people, my Pap-Pap. He was someone that challenged me to be the best I could be. Telling me that I was “the apple of his (my) eye” and “you’re the oldest, you should know better.”
Now I can look at November 5th and have a smile on my face. It was a long day. Going in at 5 AM, I was placed on Pitocin at about 6:30 AM and did not get to welcome my baby boy until 7:33 PM that day.
Landon Alan Herath came into the world at 7:33 PM weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 20 1/2 inches tall. All I could muster when I saw him was, “My baby!” Chris and I are so thankful that we were able to film this joyous occasion and be able to share it with everyone. Plus, we will be able to remember November 5th forever with this amazing, beautiful video.
Chris & Amanda Herath | Four Pedal Films Videographers